Robot Coupe R2NCLR Food Processor
Product Description
R 2 N CLR Combination Processor: Bowl cutter & Vegetable Prep equipped with a cutter attachment for chopping, fine mincing, emulsions, grinding and kneading, and a vegetable preparation attachment for slicing, grating, ripple cut slicing, and julienne.
R 2 N CLR Combination Processor: Bowl cutter & Vegetable Prep. Single phase 120/60/1. Power 1 HP. Speed: 1725 rpm. 2.9 L cutter bowl in composite material and smooth bowl-base blade assembly. Vegetable preparation attachment in composite
material equipped with 2 hoppers : 1 large and 1 cylindrical hopper. Supplied with 2 mm (5/64’’) grating and 4 mm (5/32’’) slicing discs. Large range of 23 stainless steel discs available as option. 10 to 30 meals.
• Direct drive induction motor (no belt) for intensive use.
• Power1 HP
• Stainless steel motor shaft.
• Built in on / off / pulse buttons.
• Speed: 1725 rpm.
• Pulse button for better cut precision.
• 2.9 L cutter bowl in composite material with handle, and high resistance smooth blade assembly.
• Vegetable preparation attachment equipped with 2 hoppers :
1 large hopper (surface : 12 square inches) and 1 cylindrical hopper (Ø : 2 1/4’’). Removable bowl and lid.
• Removable chute and feed lead for dishwasher safe and easy cleaning.
• Vertical pusher presses on vegetables for uniform cuts.
• Large range of 23 stainless steel discs available as option.
• Option: Juice Extractor Kit including a coulis/ fruit sauce attachment and a citrus press attachment to prepare amuse bouche, in-a-glass preparations, sauces, soups, sorbets and ice cream, smoothies, jam, fruit pastes...
• Cutter attachment: lid and high resistance stainless steel smooth blade assembly with removable cap.
• Vegetable attachment : chute, feed lead and discharge plate
• Supplied with 2 mm (5/64’’) grating and 4mm (5/32’’) slicing discs